Before E+B, I rarely made yearly goals. It just wasn’t my thing. I always thought things would just work out, or I’d focus on short-term goals (perhaps that’s because they are much much easier to accomplish…). But as my business grew, I realized that there was no possible way to keep moving forward without creating goals, both personally and professionally. So in 2010, I created my first goal list. I sadly can’t remember much about what was on that list (I’ve definitely purged a lot over the last 8 years in business which is good because I’m a notoriously sentimental pack-rat) but I do know that my goal creation process has changed dramatically thanks to fellow business owners and a better understanding of what works for me. So if you’re like me and not a goal creator OR just looking at a new way to accomplish your goals, check out my tips for checking those goals off your list.
Brainstorm + Review. Every January, I take a day or so to review the previous year. What went well? What didn’t go well? I meditate on what I want to accomplish in the coming year. What is the overarching theme for the year? Some years it could be Balance, or Travel, or Financial. Think about what would bring me the most joy this year. And write it all down. I find this whole process incredibly helpful. Don’t know where to start? Check this out this process or some great questions to prompt yourself with here.
Refine it. Keep that list small. After the brainstorming, my list probably has about 1,000 things on it, but I know that having that many goals is incredibly overwhelming and likely will turn into a situation where I just don’t bother with goals at all (not helpful). I go through and think about what that overarching theme is and what is a priority based on that and what would be nice but can wait. If I accomplish some of the priority goals, then I can always go back to my list and start on some of the other goals.
Focus + Plan. Ever heard of the Passion Planner?! Well, it’s been one of my favorite tools to help accomplish goals and stay on track for the year. There’s a wonderful brainstorming section in the beginning that’s great for step 1 or if you have no idea where to even start! I use the planner to write down all my major goals and use it to break them up into manageable pieces with deadlines. I’ve used my google calendar in the past but there is something about having things physically written down that helps me stay connected to my goals.
I hope these tips will help you accomplish whatever you’re striving for this year!
Got other tips for checking those goals off the list? Please share, I’d love to hear them!