How do I get a hold of Customer Service?
You can email
All credit cards/debit cards are accepted (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, yes, even Discover) along with PayPal Express Checkout.
What about Sales Tax?
California Sales Tax will be charged to to all orders shipped to California addresses.
How much is Shipping?
We charge a standard rate of $8.99 for all US orders under $75. All US orders over $75 get free shipping! Shipping to Canada, Mexico and other International locations are charged based on USPS, DHL or UPS rates to those locations.
When will my order ship?
Orders ship within three to four business days. Someone from the team will contact you if there will be a delay. If you need your products sooner rather than later, choose overnight and 2nd Day shipping (pricey but they get the job done). These shipping options are available when you check out.
How much do I need to spend to get free shipping?
Free shipping is available for all orders over $75. This does not include any sales tax or shipping charges. There is a flat $8.99 shipping rate option for all orders under $75.
Coupon Codes
Coupon codes are periodically sent out via our newsletter, SMS list, on the homepage or through various social media accounts. These coupon codes are only valid for one-time use per customer. You must meet all purchase requirements stated to receive a discount or promotional offer. Coupon codes cannot be combined with any additional sales or promotions.
Cancellation Policy
Minimum 24 hours notice of cancellation required. E+B is a small company so the crew and I appreciate you letting us know as soon as you can if you need to cancel an order. You can notify us via email or phone, and we'll confirm the cancellation via email.
During our Farewell Sale 2/15/2024-3/15/2024, all sales are final. We cannot accept returns, exchanges or issue refunds.
Etta + Billie has the right to terminate a transaction for any reason, at any time so please remember the golden rule - treat those the way you wish to be treated!
What do you do with my info?
See our Privacy Policy. We do not ever sell your information to any 3rd parties.
How do you say, Etta + Billie?
Etta + Billie is pronounced "Etta and Billie", think of your 4th-grade math teacher reading a math equation out loud (how many animals do we have all together if there are eight rabbits and six guinea pigs).
Is your company named after the great jazz singers Etta James and Billie Holiday?
Surprisingly, no. I named the company Etta + Billie after my Grandma Etta and Grandma Billie. They were some pretty kick-ass ladies who taught me all about being adventurous, doing what you love and loving unconditionally. I do think Etta James and Billie Holiday are pretty great though.
Are your products vegan?
Our products are not exclusively vegan but we do have a lot of options for vegans. Products are marked as vegan, plus, all our ingredients are listed on the product page so you can double check what works for you.
There's a lot of "greenwashing" out there. Are your products really "green"?
Yep, E+B has been certified by the state of California's Green Business Program since 2011 which has some pretty darn rigorous standards. They checked everything from ingredients, to cleaning products, to what kind of paper goes into our printer. You can check up on the certification here.
How do you make soap?
The short answer is that soap is made by mixing a fatty acid (oils) with a base (alkali or lye + h2o). These components chemically combine to form soap! All soap bars are cured for a minimum of 4-6 weeks to ensure a hard, long-lasting, mild bar of soap.
Does that mean that there is lye in your soap?
No. Lye (aka Sodium Hydroxide for you chemistry buffs out there) is needed to make any form of real soap (synthetic detergents are a whole other ball game). By the time the chemical reaction between the oils and the lye is complete, there is no lye in the final bar of soap because it's turned into soap. Isn't science great?
Why choose handmade soap?
Handmade soap is just better. Commercial soaps are generally made in giant batches (we're talking like 10K bars at a time) with a combination of synthetic detergents, stabilizers, fragrances and, occasionally, surprisingly, real soap. The chemicals used can be very harsh and irritating to the skin. Our soap is the complete opposite. It's made in small batches, by hand, with care, using really incredible ingredients like certified organic cocoa butter from Peru and bergamot oil from Italy. Think of it this way, would you rather eat a cake from a great local bakery or a pre-made packaged cake off aisle 8 at the grocery store? They taste completely different, right? So the choice seems pretty simple to us.
What can I do to make my soap last?
If you want your soap to last longer, be sure to keep in a place your shower or bathroom where there is excellent airflow so it can dry completely between uses. If constantly stays wet, it will turn into sticky-kind-of-gross-to-touch goop.