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April 01, 2020 2 min read

Image by: Andrea Piacquadio

For those of you parents who have suddenly become full-time homeschool teachers, we feel your pain. This time has moved many to wear more hats than one, and we know that juggling to keep kids entertained and yourself sane is no easy task. Here are some tips on how to keep those little ones engaged while also giving yourself some structure as you navigate this time: 

Keep a routine

We aren't the only ones needing to keep a routine. Kids also thrive when operating in some sort of structure. Try and implement a schedule similar to the one they had during school days. Keep breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime at similar times while implementing breaks accordingly. Needing some more materials to keep their busy brains engaged? Check out this post from Popsugar on "54 Sites Offering Free Learning Materials" in light of schools being closed. 

Move outdoor activities inside

Now is the best time to get creative! Mix up lunch time with an indoor picnic or create an obstacle course from couch cushions and chairs. If your little ones are in dire need of burning some energy, take short exercise breaks to get them up and moving. Their fun outdoor activities do not need to cease, we’ve just got to get creative and bring it into our indoor spaces. 

Discover new things

There is no better time to engage your kids through trying out some new activities. Bake a new recipe or embark on a new craft. There are dozens of sites that feature crafts using simple materials you can find around your home. Good housekeeping featured 50 fun crafts and activities to keep your kids engaged, check it out!

Give yourself grace 

This time is difficult for a multitude of reasons, and caring for kiddos can magnify some of those pressures. Give yourself grace during this new normal and simply do your best. Not everyday will be perfect or go as planned. Stay encouraged, and remember what a blessing it is to have your family together during this time.  

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