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October 16, 2017 2 min read

Who else has been feeling overwhelmed with negative news these days? Our country and communities have been put through the ringer. Hurricane after hurricane has caused massive destruction, swept away people’s entire lives and left little in its wake. Forest fires aare devastating Northern California (including my near and dear home county of Mendocino) and the West Coast. Political squabbling instead of action. Mass shootings. It’s overwhelming, to say the least. And so tempting to look the other way when you’re not directly affected. I know I’ve felt that way too. And it’s hard. I’ve felt guilty for not doing more, giving more and participating more. In my experience, guilt rarely does anything but make you feel like shit so clearly, it’s ineffective. What keeps resonating with me is something the incredibly insightful Melissa Wert of Print Therapy said the other day on Instagram

“…just because we can turn off the news doesn’t mean we should. In fact, it’s because we can that we shouldn’t”.

We have the option where other’s don’t, we shouldn’t forget that and instead of pretending like nothing is happening, we need to do something to help those around us.

At Etta + Billie, being a part of our various communities is a core part of what we do. Because of this, I want to continue supporting our communities and our friends as we all deal with these tragedies. Here are some ways we’re taking action:

Right Now

Donating 10% of online sales in October to the Redwood Empire Food Bank

Donating 10% of sales from our Studio Sample Sale to the Redwood Credit Union Fire Relief Fund

All Year Round

Donating 5% of all event sales to various non-profits helping with disasters (like the Houston Food Bank) or working to aid causes we believe in (see list here)

Donating office supplies and craft supplies to SCRAP

Donating unused electronics and equipment to our local Goodwill

Looking for ways to help? Here are a few ideas from some people-in-the-know around the web. 

Help North Bay Fire Victims at SF Chronicle

Help Hurricane Victims in Puerto Rico at PBS.org 

Help those affected by Harvey at NPR.org


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