The major highlight from last week was the official launch of my website. YEAH! Here are the other highlights from the week that have much prettier photos:
- Made a lovely new batch of Earl Grey Tea soap. I cannot wait to get this product on the site.
- After making a delivery to one of my fav boutiques, Park and Pond, I took the long way back to my day job so I could enjoy the 70 degree weather. I stopped to snap a shot of this iconic SF building.
- Just a little GUURL Grey Tea for my Earl Grey Soap from my friends at T-We. (pssst. Did you know I’m teaching a class on making your own tea based bath products? Check it out here)
- I took the Etta + Billie team out to a celebratory dinner at State Bird Provisions (Bon Appetit Magazine’s choice for the Best New Restaurant in America in 2012) on Wednesday. It was great to have down time with the E+B crew while enjoying a fantastic, and really fun, meal.
- A shot of me in the Etta + Billie kitchen wearing my snazzy new lab coat. It makes me feel like a mad scientist and I love it.