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February 26, 2022 2 min read

My lavender soaps, scrubs, balms, and lotions are what started my amazing journey of soap and body care making. Lavender is not only a common favorite for bath and body products, but it is one of the best ingredients for apothecary benefits. Lavender calms and refreshes you. I've also always loved lavender for garden decor - this plant has tons of natural benefits for your yard this you might not even be realizing. Read all about the top five reasons you should have lavender in your home garden.

Lavender Attracts Bees

One of the top reasons why professional and novel farmers grow lavender is because it attracts bees and other pollinators to their plants. This is a great addition to any other fruits, vegetables, and florals that you have at home because these pollinators will get to work on your garden and help your bounty flourish. Having just one to three pots of this plant around other plants will help your blooms - and its nice that lavender looks great in almost any garden!

Lavender Puts Off A Natural Aroma

I always have loved catching whiffs of fresh lavender as I stroll around a garden of a yard. The powerful scent of lavender carries through the air when its in bloom - and even when there are no floral buds. Not only can you put it in the garden and throughout the yard, you can also keep some pots by your front door for a fresh scent of lavender when coming and going. It's like the super flower you didn't know you needed!

Fresh Lavender When You Need It 

Baking with fresh lavender is simply amazing! Treating your lavender plants like a fresh herb garden is great because you can walk out and trim your plant when you want to add it to any recipe. You also have readily available lavender for lavender syrups for any cocktails or beverages you might be experimenting with. And don't forget, having dried lavender around the house for decor or dropping into your both is amazing!

Repels Unwanted Insects

Lavender repels the bugs that you don’t want around - such as mosquitoes, flies, and moths. It is also an easy and effective ingredient in natural and homemade bug sprays. It even repels fleas and ticks, which is perfect to have around for your dogs or outdoor cats. Both lavender and mint have these repellent qualities! 

Lavender Is Easy to Grow

Lavender is low maintenance, so it doesn't require much of a green thumb! It doesn’t need a lot of water, likes full sun and well drained soil. It is also a great companion plant. Harvest lavender as it blooms throughout the summer, and prune back by about a third each fall. There are multiple lavender varieties to choose from - each with different looks depending on your preference. 

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