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May 07, 2020 2 min read

With all of the craziness happening in the world, it can seem like we are powerless in the fight to help humanity. While we cannot cure all that is happening around the globe, there are ways we can individually and collectively give back to aid those in need. Knowing that giving back may look differently for everyone, we have listed a variety of ways to encourage those within your community. 

Here’s How We are Giving Back at Etta+Billie 

This past weekend, we participated in a virtual Mother’s Day Trunk Show featuring six Bay Area makers. A percentage of the proceeds were donated to the Homeless Prenatal Program, an organization dedicated to empowering families and breaking the cycle of childhood poverty. We will also be donating to Casa de Las Madres, a homeless shelter that provides aid to women and children who have suffered at the hands of domestic violence. Additionally, we plan to continually donate soap batches to other shelters and social workers. 

How you can give back

No matter how big or small we perceive our gifts to be, each donation has the ability to make a great impact. There are so many ways that we can make the world a bit sweeter even from home. 

Show your Essential Workers you Care

You can care for the everyday essential workers right from your home! From those who deliver packages, mail men and women, and your local Postmates or Grub Hub deliverer- all are essential and have a high chance of making a stop at your home. There’s nothing sweeter than leaving a small care package of water bottles or snacks on your doorstep, or even a simple note sharing your appreciation. With the shift to an increase in deliveries, it is these workers who continue to provide us with resources to enjoy life indoors.

Buying/Delivering Groceries

Long lines and food shortages have inconvenienced many and left them unable to purchase groceries as they did previously. If you know a neighbor, family member, or friend who is in need of having their house stocked with food, offer to pick up some items on their list on your next trip to the store. 

Share a Token of Your Appreciation

Making a hand-written thank you card to share your appreciation goes such a long way. Set aside time in your day to write a batch of notes to give to your local health care professionals or others in your community who might need comfort during this season (which is basically anyone and everyone). 

Keep on Shopping!

Supporting a small business you love during this time is everything! You can choose where to make your purchases, and extending a helping hand to many local businesses means purchasing your goods from them. Checkout 7x7’s list of Bay Area brands that are giving back during the pandemic.

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