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September 17, 2020 2 min read

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve never understood the statement “time is a social construct” more than I have in quarantine. Days seem to fly by while also taking forever all at the same time, and the pass of each month never ceases to take me by a great surprise. Keeping a routine and rhythm is the one thing that can gives me  some sense of “normalcy” and control in my day. 

Once kids are up and the day has begun, it can be difficult to find “me time” throughout the day. Though it may be challenging, try setting the alarm an hour earlier to rise before everyone else. Use this time to meditate (might I recommend Headspace?) , brew up your favorite beverage, prepare a breakfast, and enjoy some peace and quiet. Take advantage of the window of time before your home awakens. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how a few extra minutes to yourself can make a world of a difference in the trajectory of your day. I've noticed that this sliver of time in the morning seems to multiply the hours in the day and creates a sense of normalcy with my routine. 

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to work into your routine to check-in with "you". We can become so inundated with our tasks and struggle to compartmentalize from work, school, etc due to the fact that our homes now house all these activities. It’s important to remember that this is unchartered territory, and we are all doing our best to adjust. Do what you can to implement a steady routine into your life, and of course, give yourself grace. 

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